Tourist / Visitor Visa Australia

Tourist / Visitor Visa

This visitor visa 600 Australia lets you visit this beautiful world class location as a tourist, for business purpose activities, or to visit family members. The visa can be granted for one month to twelve months and either single / multiple travel rights as per discretion of the immigration Case Officer.

There are two streams which can be applied for outside Australia:

Tourist Stream SUBCLASS 600

for people to visit Australia temporarily for a holiday, to visit relatives or friends or for other short-term non-work purposes, including study for less than three months. The family member in Australia can also give their sponsorship to applicant and potential bond for this visa category.


This visa lets you come to Australia for a holiday or to visit family and friends. We will tell you how many times you can enter Australia on this visa:

You might be allowed to enter only once. If so, you will need to apply for a new visa if you want to return to Australia again after you leave.

You might be able to travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while your visa is valid, but the total time you spend in Australia cannot be more than the period of stay that you have been granted.

Want to Apply for Tourist / Visitor Visa?

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